Transporting development for 27 years

It all started in 1995, from then on, we have faced many challenges and changes, but one thing has never changed, the essence of the company since its foundation. Transduarte goes far beyond transporting and loading, the company aims at the big picture and has a great commitment to the community, through the Carlos Duarte Institute.

Focusing on fractional loads, the company is also qualified to carry out the transport of chemical products and equipment for the leather-footwear sector. Transduarte has differentials to operate in a competitive scenario, one of them is the Certification of the Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Assessment System (SASSMAQ), which is an evaluation method developed and required by Associação Brasileira de Indústrias Químicas - Abiquim (Brazilian Association of Chemical Industries)  Besides that, it has units in the states of RS, SC, SP and MG, providing customers with greater agility in their deliveries. 

With a fleet of small, medium and large vehicles, the company is recognized by the footwear sector for its dedication, involvement and commitment. Its operations comply with strict criteria in terms of environmental management and total quality, thus promoting the guarantee of the services hired in the entire logistics system it operates.

The commercial manager of Transduarte, Filipe Baum, highlighted the importance of the company, in delivering far more than cargo to customers, but the trust in the service provided. “ At Transduarte, we prioritize trust, commitment and quality in the services provided. We are constantly upgrading so that we can always deliver the best service to our customers”, highlighted Baum.

The company's technological structure continues to evolve, with a tracked fleet and an application for tracking goods, which makes it easier for customers to access information.

Over these 27 years, the company has won many awards, obtained important certificates and has always sought to update itself and deliver the best service to its customers. 

The company's headquarters is located at RS-239, nº 2350, bairro São José, in Novo Hamburgo. 

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