Fórum Fimec brings lectures and panel discussions with renowned professionals in the footwear market

Event presents current affairs and provides connections with the national and international market

Recognized for being an environment that fosters new businesses and partnerships, the 45th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) presents the 4th edition of Fórum Fimec, with a program focused on new features and trends of the market, with relevant content to transform the leather-footwear sector. On the second day of the fair, March 9th, from 2 to 5 pm, visitors who register for the Forum will guarantee unprecedented content from national and international speakers, in addition to participation in a debate on the current market. This year, Fimec will take place from March 8th to the 10th, at Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo/RS.


Fórum Fimec brings us information and knowledge, the event presents innovative and current issues, with a variety of lectures on relevant topics in the leather-footwear market. Starting at 2 pm, in the Official Auditorium of the Events Center, the opening lecture “Recommendations for Sustainable Brazilian Fashion” kicks off the Forum's activities. The theme will be led by Lucilene Danciguer, Director of Colabora Moda Sustentável, Laura Madalosso, Co-founder of Cora Design and Cristian Schlindwein, Project Manager of Abicalçados. In a conversation format, the speakers will present guidelines for major changes in the way of producing, selling and consuming fashion in Brazil. Another confirmed lecture is on “Sustainability and Innovation in Adhesives – by Henkel”, with speakers Jeferson Segantini, Brazil Sales Manager and Latam Business Development at Henkel and Pedro Bueno, Technical Manager at Henkel Latam. So as to close the lecture circuit, but in online format, Matt Priest will talk about the “American Footwear Market”. Matt is President and CEO of Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America (FRDA), the association of footwear retailers and distributors in the United States.


The event will also feature a debate on the theme “World Sourcing of Footwear: the opportunity for Latin America”. With the mediation of Diogo Carlos Leuck, President of ACI-NH/CB/EV, the debaters who are confirmed to be present are the following: Marcelo Schmidt – SVP, Head of Global Sourcing – Camuto Group, a Designer Brands Company; Christian Thomas – General Manager Brazil Office - Camuto Group, a Designer Brands Company; Gerson Berwanger – President of Bertex Produtos para Moda; André da Rocha – Director of Master Soluções Que Conectam; Eduardo Fuga - Director of Fuga Couros S/A; Mauricio Wendling – Commercial Director of Indústria de Calçados Wirth; and Luiz Valentim Corneo – Chief Executive Officer at ECX Global. The debaters are professionals from all areas and sectors who are following the market reality. “We will address the migration of sourcing from Asia to the West and the opportunities for Brazil and the Americas to take advantage of this moment. Besides that, the debaters present at the event are experiencing intensely all this market movement, negotiating and serving clients from the United States of America and Europe. It will be a great debate!”, comments Marcio Jung, CEO of Fenac.


Tickets can be purchased through the website www.fimec.com.br/forum, where you can also check more information about the event.


Fórum Fimec is sponsored by HENKEL, a Leader in Adhesive Solutions, BADESUL and COLORGRAF, with the master support from UNIVERSIDADE FEEVALE and also supported by other entities in the leather-footwear sector.


Fimec will take place following the official biosecurity protocols in force at the moment to receive exhibitors and visitors, remaining attentive to government decrees.


Event: 45th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries)

Data: March 8 to 10, 2022

Time: 1PM to 8PM

Venue: Fenac | Exclusive access via the Main Hall: Av. Nações Unidas, 3025, Ideal, Novo Hamburgo/RS, Brazil

Registration: anticipate registration via the website. Free registration for sector professionals. Professional trade show. Open to visitors aged 16 and older.

Organization: Fenac Experiências Conectam

Sponsorship: Covestro, Sicredi Pioneira and Transduarte


More information: via www.fimec.com.br and our social networks: www.facebook.com/FeiraFimec and www.instagram.com/feirafimec.




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