Fimec Studio 2023 explores themes of sustainability, digitalization, frugality and comfort
Espaço criativo da Fimec apresenta tendências e novidades do setor coureiro-calçadista

With date set for March 07th, 08th and 09th, the 46th edition of the Fimec - International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tannery will bring together the main releases of the leather-footwear cluster, in the pavilions of Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo, from 1PM to 8PM. In this edition, the Fimec Studio, a space already recognized within the fair for presenting trends that provide a direction to the visitors' creations, will bring together the concepts of sustainability, digitalization, frugality, and comfort. In an inspirational environment, the visitor will have contact with raw materials and finished products and built from fashion research based on consumer behavior.
Signed by Coelho Assessoria Empresarial and supported by Fenac, the space will bring together materials, trends and processes to contribute to the development of the brands' footwear, handbags and artifacts collections. "We will present concepts that will be used in the coming years," says Luís Coelho, coordinator of the Fimec Studio. Talking about the development process of the initiative, Coelho details that the work is based on research. "We consult fashion and trend websites and observe consumer behavior around the world. From this, we define the concepts of the Fimec Studio each year," he contextualizes.
Coelho also explains that, besides sustainability and digitalization, which are concepts that are here to stay in the market, two other strong trends for this year are: frugality and comfort. "Frugality is a behavior that has to do with the pandemic, related to people having a more conscious consumption. Another important theme is high tech comfort, since everyone wants, more and more, comfortable products and companies use technology to achieve this", he points out.
Again, in this edition, the space will be in a prominent location of the Fimec, at the entrance of the fair. "This year, we will have many exhibitors demonstrating their products and materials. We will still have development software and interesting spaces for visitors to come across a lot of information and to take advantage of the content presented", anticipates Coelho.
Event: 46th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemical Products, Components, Machinery and Equipment for Footwear and Tannery)
Date: 7th to 9th of March, 2023
Schedule: 1PM - 8PM
Place: Fenac | 3825, Nações Unidas Av - Bairro Ideal - Novo Hamburgo/RS, Brazil
Registration: anticipate your registration through the site. Free registration for professionals of the sector. Professional Fair - no one under 14 years old allowed.
Organization: Fenac Experiências Conectam
Sponsorship: the fair is presented by Sicredi Pioneira and is sponsored by Covestro and Transduarte.
Support: Abicalçados, Abiacav, Abqtic, Abrameq, ACI-NH/CB/EV, Aicsul, Assintecal, CICB, Fiergs, IBTeC and Sebrae/RS