Concept Factory and CICB Sustainability Forum are attractions at Fimec 2024

In addition to exhibiting new products, the 47th Fimec (International Fair of Leather, Chemicals, Components, Machines and Equipment for Footwear and Tanneries) stands out for the experience and knowledge spaces it offers visitors. from March 12th to 14th, the largest leather-footwear trade fair in Latin America will present the CICB Sustainability Forum and the 14th Concept Factory.




Concept Factory will produce handbags for the first time

The Concept Factory is already a well-known space at Fimec, which showcases footwear production within the fair's pavilions. Held by the Brazilian Institute of Leather, Footwear and Artifact Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Tecnologia do Couro, Calçado e Artefatos - IBTeC), in partnership with Fenac and Coelho Assessoria Empresarial, the 14th edition of the project brings in an innovation. With four production lines, it will be the first time that bags will be produced in partnership with Luz da Lua, which has created two models especially for this fair.

The Concept Factory will also have two big names from the Brazilian industry - Calçados Ramarim, producing a sandal model and a casual sneaker from the Comfortflex brand; and Calçados Bompel, which will produce four models of footwear classified as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), as well as the Senai Footwear School, with two models of women's sneakers. Over the three days of the fair, a total of 1,600 pairs of shoes and 80 bags will be produced.

In a 1,300 square meter-space, the project will involve 70 companies, including footwear and handbag manufacturers, machinery and equipment manufacturers, suppliers of components and materials and production management systems, among others.


CICB Forum discusses "Links to Traceability"

The traceability of Brazilian bovine leather will be the focus of the CICB Sustainability Forum on March 13th, as part of the Fimec program. The central theme of the event will be "Links to Traceability", with a program of lectures bringing together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, private companies and entities from the meat and leather chain. The activity will take place in person, in the afternoon, with simultaneous translation into English and free registration via the website, where you can also check out the full program.

The presentations will show tools, solutions and developments in the field of traceability. From the federal government, two representatives will share the actions and projects of platforms and regulations for animal identification and public production records. From the private sector, a tannery will present its journey of delivering 100% tracked leathers and there will also be a technology talk. From the sectoral entities, perspectives and goals on the subject for the coming years will be debated.

The Forum is organized by the Brazilian Leather project, an initiative of the Centre for the Brazilian Tanning Industry (Centro das Indústrias de Curtumes do Brasil - CICB) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos - ApexBrasil).


About Fimec: organized by Fenac Experiências Conectam, the trade fair is presented by Sicredi Pioneira, sponsored by Covestro, Transduarte, Ambiente Verde Indústria and Henkel and has the support of the sector's organizations: Abicalçados, Abqtic, Abrameq, ACI-NH/CB/EV, Aicsul, Assintecal, CICB, IBTeC, Sebrae/RS and SITERGS. Professional fair, children under 14 are not allowed.

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